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There’s a race to be the first fully Organic Country and Denmark may well be the winner

In 2013 Bhutan announced that they were aiming to be the world’s first organic country but they may have been pipped, organically, to the post. Denmark is now in the running and they are well on their way to becoming the Number One Organic Country in the world.

 Denmark already exports more organic produce than any other country and have been growing organic foods for the last 25 years. The Danish government, agricultural forum and people, are committed to a healthy lifestyle and have solid plans to ensure all foods grown and consumed are organic.

 Organic farming can be expensive and tricky but Denmark have certainly done their research and it seems that soon the country will achieve it’s goal. The Government has put in 54 million Euros to help in the transformation towards an organic country. Denmark look at organic farming in various ways. They put money into traditional farmlands, encouraging organic farming and discouraging the use of pesticides.

 They aim to increase the agricultural land cultivated by more than double. They encourage the use of only organic and bio-dynamic faming methods. Small scale farmers receive support from the banks so they can change from using pesticides and chemicals to organic farming. Money has been put towards developing new organic technologies.

And the country has set solid goals regarding organic percentages. It sounds easy but Denmark has had to work hard at their Organic Action Plan. In a few years they expect more than 60% of food served and sold in public places to be organic.

Schools, hospitals, corporates and all large public companies are expected to follow suit with this initiative and are encouraged and helped along the way. Remember, it’s not just agricultural produce that is organic or going organic in Denmark. It’s livestock too. Other countries are going to have to work hard to keep up!

There’s a race to be the first fully Organic Country and Denmark may well be the winner  There’s a race to be the first fully Organic Country and Denmark may well be the winner Reviewed by Tim on May 07, 2018 Rating: 5

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