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This young girl asked Rick and Morty’s co-author for help with depression and the answers were fantastic!

It is a well-known fact that author Dan Harmon struggles with depression. Harmon is talented, an astonishing person, a writer, producer, voice-over artist and a huge celebrity. He has never been quiet about his own struggles with depression and mental illness and because he’s the coolest and most ordinary guy too, this young girl decided to ask him for help.

Harmon was fantastic. He is fantastic. The young girl who goes under the Twitter handle @chojuroh, sent Harmon a twitter message.

@DanHarmon’, she asked. ‘Do you have advice for dealing with depression.’

She didn't really expect an answer but Harmon, in his true cool style, responded immediately.

For one,’ he responded. ‘Admit and accept that it’s happening. Awareness is everything. We put ourselves under so much pressure to feel good. It’s okay to feel bad. It might be something you’re good at! Communicate it. DO NOT KEEP IT SECRET. Own it. Like a hat or jacket. Your feelings are real.’

How fantastic is that? Because it is so true. There is no need to be secretive about depression. Depression is real, it is something so many people suffer from. Talk about it, be open about it, and realize how many others feel like you. Also, by admitting to it and being honest about it, you are on the first step to healing.

Harmon then went a little bit further.

The most important thing I can say to you is please don’t deal with it alone. There is an incredible miraculous magic to pushing your feelings out. Even writing ‘I want to die’ on a piece of paper and burning it will feel better than thinking about it alone. Output is magical.’

The conversation resulted in some fabulous Twitter conversation about depression. Harmon rocks and as he says, ‘never hide it.’ Talk, acknowledge, discuss, debate, write, feel better!

This young girl asked Rick and Morty’s co-author for help with depression and the answers were fantastic! This young girl asked Rick and Morty’s co-author for help with depression and the answers were fantastic! Reviewed by Tim on May 07, 2018 Rating: 5

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