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Naturally Increase Dopamine Level to Never Feel Depressed or Anxious again

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that controls pleasure and rewards in the brain. Once you learn how to arouse your own dopamine levels in a natural way, you can overcome any negativity in your life.

When we are rewarded for anything, we feel pleasure and happiness, and so we tend to do the same actions again for the hope that we will receive the same reward. It is the dopamine that addictive drugs like heroin, cocaine and opiates target in the brain.

The dopamine high is very addictive, that is why people addicted to drugs always crave for more drugs to trigger that happy feeling.

There was an experiment involving mice. The same nerve that releases opiate was triggered when the lever is pressed. When the mice were allowed to do its own thing, the mice pressed the lever thousands of times in a course of an hour just to get that pleasure feeling.

The same experiment was done in a human being. The same thing happened; the person kept pressing the button thousands of times in three hours.

Aside from boosting happiness, dopamine also helps in controlling muscle movement, helps to focus, improve cognitive functions, help to strategize about problems, and the regulation of prolactin secretion.

There numerous ways to naturally trigger dopamine. You need to exercise to prevent negativity, you can create a list of things that you want to do and cross out what is done, you can eat dopamine-increasing food like eggs, milk, green tea, dark chocolates, yogurt, bananas, almonds, coffee and watermelon.

You can also lower your lipopolysaccharides by eating gut-protecting food.

Detoxification can also boost dopamine, as well as listening to uplifting music, getting creative, starting a positive vibe, meditation and yoga, and supplement intake.
Naturally Increase Dopamine Level to Never Feel Depressed or Anxious again Naturally Increase Dopamine Level to Never Feel Depressed or Anxious again Reviewed by Tim on April 25, 2018 Rating: 5

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