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Creative people often prefer to be on their own and these are the reasons why

Intelligence and creativity go together. If we look at many of the smart and creative people we know, they are often not the most sociable of people. In fact, they love finding time to be alone. Think about it. When you are alone you can allow your mind to be free and to wander. You can daydream and be imaginative. Thoughts come to you when youre alone.

It is, of course, wonderful to be with family and friends and to spend time socializing. But it is important not to fill every waking moment of your time with other people. Your brain needs to recharge. Your body needs to recharge too. Quiet times allow for recharging and regeneration, and for peace, calm and tranquility. And for all of those bright ideas to form!

A psychological study performed in Britain showed that most highly intelligent people, and we add creative people to this, thrive with solo time. Problem-solving is easier when you are on your way and the mind thinks freely and unhindered. Many people say they think of the best ideas when they walk or jog on their own. Artists like to create in their studios, alone. And even young adolescents can thrive and do their best work, alone.

Often being in a crowd can overwhelm you. Even if you love parties, the incessant noise and constant chit-chat can make you feel uncomfortable. And while being sociable is important and good for you, it is important to take time out as well.

Everyone has a different personality. If you are a party animal, have fun! If you prefer those long lonely walks, enjoy them! Just because you spend time alone doesn't necessarily mean you are brighter - but - studies do show that more intelligent people prefer down time. Maybe you just need a little quiet time to reach your full potential too!
Creative people often prefer to be on their own and these are the reasons why  Creative people often prefer to be on their own and these are the reasons why Reviewed by Tim on May 04, 2018 Rating: 5

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